
Our Kitchens

  -  Our Kitchens

Our collection of luxury, handcrafted kitchens start from £30,000.

We’re passionate about creating spaces that encourage you to cook, live and enjoy. Every commission is unique and personal – designed, handmade, and installed by our team to work to your requirements.

Find out more about our design and craft process and get in touch to arrange a visit to our showroom and studio here.

Looking for inspiration or designs for a forthcoming project?

I have to say that I still adore my kitchen, it’s everything I dreamt it to be. Thank you all so much.

Elizabeth & Mark

Hope you are well. Kitchen is looking great! Can’t wait for it to be finished and we get to admire in all its glory! Max was lovely and it was such a pleasure having them here.

Marianne & Harry

We are so excited about the kitchen and can’t wait to see it painted. It’s wonderful. Trying to think of what I'd change to improve it but literally can't think of a single thing

Lisa & Neil

Design, craft & materials

From the finest materials our craftsmen work passionately using traditional techniques and cutting-edge technology to create our timeless pieces. Our kitchens and cabinetry are crafted to stand the test of time.


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