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With a focus on truly bespoke classic kitchen design - complementing the architecture of your home - take time to explore our beautifully crafted classic shaker kitchens. 

Our classic shaker kitchens are timeless in their design - British made by master craftsmen. A kitchen should fit your lifestyle and design preferences. Our many happy customers pay testament to that. 

The Classic Middleton Kitchen features a traditional raised and fielded panel door set within a square tulipwood frame. Taking its cues from classical Georgian cabinetry these kitchens are finished with a beautifully shaped tulipwood skirting and topped with a taller Middleton crown moulding.  

We look forward to working with you; creating a kitchen unique to you - the focal point of soon to be cherished memories in your home. In the meantime, enjoy our selection of projects, below - classic shaker kitchens - designed with elegant clean lines and subtle detailing for a beautifully uncluttered space in which to cook, eat and entertain. 

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