
The Barn

  -    -  The Barn

The Barn

The Brief

To create a luxurious take on the shaker kitchen, providing clean crisp styling with an atmospheric feel. A symmetrical, balanced design with a highly considered, purposeful arrangement as is synonymous with our Middleton ethos of form and function.


The cooker elevation is delicately executed with no mantle to highlight the eye on the centrepiece Aga and humble splashback. The elevation is framed by the counter mounted Oak cabinets which soften the look and feel of the space. There is no island in this design due to the width of the room and this is overcome by the quality of counter top space to prep and present food. With all the necessary cookware to hand in finely focused storage.

The tall larder elevation has a home for everything. With breakfast, coffee and drinks in the left with Oak internal details. Crockery and tableware in the centre and a pantry to the right with Oak internal details and brass rails to mirror material choices in the rest of the kitchen.

The undermounted China sink is centred on the window with general and recycling bins to either side. The integrated Dishwasher is conveniently located on the left of the sink to place dishes in after rinsing in the sink


Cabinetry: Middleton Classic Cabinetry

Counter Tops: Misty Carrara Engineered Marble

Colour Palette: Middleton Buff and Middleton Dusk

Ironmongery: Burnished Brass

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