
The Tin Room

  -    -  The Tin Room

The Tin Room

The Brief

To create a contemporary handmade British kitchen with character and soul in this modern tin barn. The kitchen was to centre around a focal point, architectural island and fully function for a keen chef and family.


The sink and cooker elevation are set within a cleverly constructed niche which allows for a ‘looser’ look with the cabinetry framed by a wall of Marble. This detail also allows for lighting and extraction to be concealed. The cabinetry houses the sink, dishwasher, integrated bin and oven and indeed lots of the workings of the kitchen. The living island features a ‘waterfall’ end in the stunning Moon-faced Marble which brings a textural softness to the space.

With cooks’ drawers on one side housing crockery, serve ware and cutlery on one side and open shelving to display kitchen essentials on the other side. The herb garden is cleverly planted within the island to bring life to this piece. The hardworking pantry cabinet cleverly houses an integrated fridge, crockery cupboard, graduated drawers and full height pantry cupboards. The pure shaker details and pared back moulding bring a clean, crisp feel to the cabinetry. With birch play interiors and shelving the fresh contemporary aesthetic is enhanced. 


Cabinetry: Modern Middleton Cabinetry

Counter Tops: Moon-faced Carrara Marble

Matt Black Quartz

Colours palete: Mylands of London Oratory and  Mylands of London Lolly Pop

Middleton Graphite

Ironmongery: Matt Black

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