
The Village House

  -    -  The Village House

The Village House

The Brief

To unite two separate spaces within this traditional village house into a generous kitchen and dining area. Bringing the warmth of the Aga to the space and creating a comfortable cook’s kitchen.


To create a loose arrangement to the left of the Aga is a counter mounted crookery store with Aga pan storage below. To the right of the Aga is open shelving which helps to break up the visual weight of the cabinetry and allows us to show the beautiful crown cut Oak interiors of the cabinetry and thick Oak shelves. It provides a handy spot for frequently used dry store items. The sink is flanked by an integrated dishwashers and bin.

The simple Oak shaker shelf gives something for the eye to rest upon. The tall integrated fridge and pantry cupboard with integrated internal drawers complete the food storage. Whilst two sets of drawers on the cook’s side offer further crockery and bakeware storage the stool seating an open bookshelf soften the island when viewed from the dining area.


Cabinetry Middleton Country cabinetry

Colours: Mylands of London Messel and Flanders Grey

Counter tops: Quartz and character Oak

Ironmongery: Antique Brass

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