  -    -  Designer Kitchen and Bathroom Awards 2016

Designer Kitchen and Bathroom Awards 2016

Middleton are thrilled to announce that we have been shortlisted in the British Design and Manufacturing category at the Designer Kitchen and Bathroom Awards 2016. 

We are so delighted to be shortlisted in the British Design and Manufacture category for our ‘Grainhouse’ project at the Designer Kitchen and Bathroom awards 2016.  All the team here at Middleton are very much looking forward to the awards ceremony at London’s Supernova on the 9th November 2016.

Our Grainhouse project, nominated for the Designer Kitchen and Bathroom award 2016

The Modern Middleton Kitchen in the Grainhouse project is our showcase of a contemporary, handmade English cabinetry. We are proud that the simple clean lines and pure detailing of the cabinetry have been creating using traditional techniques in our British workshops.  Design Director, Jasper Middleton adds ” Restraint has been shown in the design and an almost 2d silhouette of the cabinetry allow it to become part of the space not to dominate.”

Finished in bold hues from the new Mylands Colours of London creates depth and are a nod to the cabinetry’s heritage roots. With luxury at every touch from the natural stone, English Leather and bookmatched English oak counter tops. With appliances from iconic British brands Aga and Perrin and Rowe the Modern Middleton Kitchen is a very new take on old fashioned.

The British Design and Manufacture award is kindly sponsored by Perrin & Rowe and Shaws & Darwin.

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