An honour indeed for the Townhouse Kitchen and Middleton to be January 2016’s “Grand Designs One to Watch’
Our journey to create a handcrafted contemporary English kitchen is has been a labour of love. This cabinetry has a heritage brought over from our traditional style in proportion and arrangement, but is pared significantly back into an almost 2-D profile. We have also kept the pallete simple in making fine elegant handles in the same materials as the doors. This keeps the structure uncomplicated for the eye, allowing the most to be made of the beautiful flat planks of English ‘Pippy’ Oak to do the talking.
In this kitchen, this simplicity is carried through from the simple painted frames in Mylands Alderman to the beautiful limestone tops. The island painted in Mylands Oratory with integrated Meile hob and extractor is as a central point for all of the action. The the beautiful stone floor completes the refined look.
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