  -    -  Metallics in the Modern Country Kitchen

Metallics in the Modern Country Kitchen

Look out for our thoroughly modern country kitchen in the November issue of Country Homes and Interiors. 

Our Design Director, Jasper Middleton comments on the trend for metallics in the country setting. Our stunning handmade Copper sink is not only beautiful but practical as Jasper explains “the sinks hand-beaten surface is not only antimicrobial but also extremely tactile, just right for creating a standout focal point.”

Country Homes and Interiors state that you shouldn’t be afraid to embrace a modern aesthetic in period or rural properties. We couldn’t agree more!  At Middleton stay true to the Georgian heritage of our cabinetry but bring a more contemporary feel to our kitchens with simple door details and finishes. The result is a clean, crisp look that seamlessly blends with its surroundings.

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