  -    -  Sunday Brunch

Sunday Brunch

There’s nothing quite like a fresh loaf out of the Aga. With just a few store cupboard staples you can create the a simple white loaf, perfect for lazy weekend brunches.

1. Grease 2x 450g loaf tins

2. To make by hand, measure the flour into a bowl. Add the yeast and the salt separately on opposite sides on top of the flour. Add the butter and three-quarters of the water. Mix together using a wooden spoon or your hands until you have a fairly sticky dough, adding the remaining water until all of the flour is incorporated. Knead on a lightly floured work surface for about 10minutes until the dough is smooth and soft. If using a free-standing mixer fitted with a dough hook, mix the ingredients in the bowl attached to the mixer until you have a fairly sticky, soft dough. Continue to knead until the dough is smooth and soft. This takes 5 minutes.

3. Transfer the dough to a large oiled bowl, cover tightly with clingfilm (maker sure no air can escape) and leave to rise near the Aga for 1-1.5hours or until the dough has doubled in size.

Cook in the roasting oven for 25-35minutes and enjoy!

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