Home - Blog - The new country colours for cabinetry in April 2016 Country Homes and Interiors
The new country colours for cabinetry in April 2016 Country Homes and Interiors
24th March 2016
At Middleton we firmly believe that there is great worth to being brave with your colour scheme. The gorgeous Farmhouse Kitchen designed by our friends at Pepperbox Interiors is a stunning example of how a soft palette of country shades can enrich your kitchen. As featured in the April 2016 issue of Country Homes and Interiors the Farmhouse kitchen is right on trend with to create this homely space to cook and live. Design Director Jasper Middleton has this to say about the shades “In this galley-style kitchen we used pale paint on the taller, more dominant cabinetry, making it appear to fade into the background. Painting base units in a different, much darker shade helps to draw the eye away and distracts attention form the room’s narrow shape.”
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