
The Flower Room

  -    -  The Flower Room

The Flower Room

The Brief

This former potting shed at our showroom barns became our first showroom some years ago. We have since evolved from our first display, to show what would be a flower room within a country house, with a secret doorway through into an adjacent space. We wanted to preserve the character of the space and kept the original floorboards and left the roof panelling and ceiling horizontals exposed, finishing them with a gentle whitewash. 


We designed a classically styled dresser that could offer a variety of storage through the range of small and large drawers, store cupboards, open shelving and large full height cupboard. In the setting out of the cabinetry, consideration was given to match the full height cupboard on the right with the secret door.

The central block provided a robust workspace in contrast to the softer and more traditional timber top on the dresser, which provides backup workspace. Drawers within the block are accessible from both sides, maximising efficiency of storage.


Cabinetry: Middleton Country Cabinetry with Grey Oak interior

Counter tops: Carrara Marble, Arbescato Marble, Natural Oak

Colour Palette: Mylands Messel and Mylands Bond Street with Grey Oak Interior

Ironomongery: Pewter, Antique Brass

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