
The Country Estate

  -    -  The Country Estate

The Country Estate

The Brief

To create a sociable family retreat in this country home for all generations of the family to enjoy and as a sanctuary from the city. The kitchen brief was to create a space for lazy breakfasts and sociable suppers in the family’s weekend retreat.


The kitchen design is centred around the Oak baker’s table which provides storage and anchors the design around the Aga and across the beautiful formal gardens. It was important that the fridge freezer and pantry cabinet were accessible from both the cooking area and also the serving side of the kitchen. This allows the cook to be working at the Aga and surrounding counter tops and other members of the family to access drinks and snacks and flow to the more sociable areas of the kitchen.

With views across the formal gardens from the sink and conveniently integrated dishwasher and bin all within reach of the baker’s table. The glazed cabinet provides crockery and serving platter storage with the stunning pair of graduated drawers. Companion cabinets flank the Aga to house essential cookware to hand. The centrepiece bakers table provides ample storage for cutlery, utensils and linens.


Cabinetry: Middleton Country Cabinetry

Countertops: Bianco Eclipse

Colour palette: Middleton Chalky Black and Smoked Oak

Ironmongery: Burnished Brass

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