
The Mews House

  -    -  The Mews House

The Mews House

The Brief

This London Mews House previously had a busy arrangement withing the kitchen making access to the lovely garden difficult. Our clients tasked us with creating a better connection to the garden and a kitchen that flowed harmoniously with the space beyond.


We pared back our design to just two elevations within this Mews kitchen to maximise flow within the space and allow access to the beautiful garden. The long run is hardworking and seamlessly houses the fridge and freezer, double store cupboard, sink, bin, dishwasher and larder. With ample counter top to either side of the sink this creates an area for the chef to prepare.

The cook station opposite with its robust and purposeful Lacanche cooker  and graduated companion drawers creating storage for cutlery, utensil, crockery, pots, pans and trays. The clean and simple lines of the cabinetry and sophisticated palette create an ethereal quality to the space. It truly is a haven for cooks and showcases British design and craft


Cabinetry: Middleton Country Cabinetry

Counter Tops: Carrara Marble

Colour Palette: Mylands of London Messel

Ironmongery: Copper

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