
Oast Barn

  -    -  Oast Barn

Oast Barn

The Brief

To create a balanced space, of handsome proportions, that prides ample storage and working space, yet at the same time inviting family members a place to sit and observe, well out of the chefs way when in high demand during cooking times.


We have created storage for dry foods in the large pantry on the left, working space and drawers for cutlery, utensils, pans and baking trays within the cooks area, and refrigeration and crockery on the right, streamlining the cooks working space, with everything to hand along the back wall.

On the return, we have created a further sense of focus with the slatted open oak shelving, which was flanked by single store cupboards on the left and right, and complemented by the glazed wall cupboard which has a suggestion of luxury in the reflective glass and crown-cut oak interior.

The island provides further prep/plating space on the cooker side, with a clear definition to the social side of things with a stool pocket and tactile Oak timber top to sit up to on the front of the island.


Cabinetry: Middleton Bespoke Country cabinetry with Natural Oak Interior

Counter Tops:Bianco Eclipse, Lucerne Lake Quartz, Natural Oak

Colour Pallete: Mylands Cotton Street, Mylands Sinner

Ironmongery: Solid Brass

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