
The Manor House

  -    -  The Manor House

The Manor House

The Brief

Within this historic Manor house the kitchen had been relocated form a dark cramped room at the font of the property to this light filled vaulted space overlooking the wonderful formal garden. The brief was to create a large, sociable kitchens for three generations of the family to enjoy.


The kitchen is designed around the Aga with a large Bakers table to prep and plate. The focal sunk in hand beaten Copper with bin and dishwasher integrated seamlessly in this break fronted cabinet. Made in the Middleton style as pieces in a sympathetic manner to this historic property. The freestanding larder armoire houses a hige amount of food, crockery and glasses to support the kitchen.



Cabinetry: Mylands Blueprint

Colour Palette: Bianco Eclipse

Ironmongery: Copper Handles





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